Marius Hogendoorn, the founding father of Project Beauty works full time on the project and is supported by the volunteers in his team. But there’s more.
Other volunteers, donations, the sponsorship of the fieldwork and the beautiful photos for the booklet ‘Seeking Beauty | USA’: thanks to all the amazing support this wonderful project was able to come alive and grow..
For example, the beautiful series of photos in ‘Seeking Beauty | USA’ is a contribution by the US photographer and leadership trainer Philip Folsom.

Courtesy: Philip Folsom
But we want to go further: expand to new countries, let many more people know that we are there, and professionalize our ‘office’. We could use even more help!
Want to support us? How beautiful would that be!
Become a supporter!
Help us and donate a small amount per month: become a supporter of Project Beauty via Patreon! There you can see (in English) what the possibilities are and what you can expect from us as a thank you.
Americans on beauty

Wordcloud based on answers to the question
‘What is the most beautiful thing you still hope to experience in your life?‘
I don’t think of all the misery, but of all the beauty that still remains.
Anne Frank